Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Weekend

My senior year a bunch of my friends and I would camp out almost every weekend, it was so much fun just being able to be out of the city for a while. The best part was the bonfire. I mean you cant go out camping without a bonfire! Right?
Even though I loved being outdoors with my firends, it kinda got old after a while when everyone drank and smoked and I didn't. I mean they never asked me to drink since they all knew I was Mormon, but the jokes they told aren't as funny when you're actually sober. I gave them the pitty laugh all the time, it was either I didnt understand the joke or understand what they were saying in general!! haha

So just this past Friday I was invited to go out to the canyon for a bonfire!!
I was so excited! It's been FOREVER since I went to a bonfire!
I had so much fun! It was nice to be able to hangout with people who weren't drinking, smoking, and cussing up a storm. I'm so lucky to be able to be in an enviorment with people that have the same standards as me. Cheesy I know...but very true.

Saturday was one eventful day!
Saturday Morning I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to go for a 8 mile run at the Provo Canyon with my friend Jacee..This lady is seriously a beast! She is probably one of my top 5 role models in life! Love ya Jacee!
This was actually my first time ever running 8 miles, I usually just run 6 so this was pretty exciting for me!! Woo!
After the run I had to go to work... pretty boring.
But after that my friend Tyler took me to the Tim Mcgraw Concert with Luke Bryan!!
Love that kid! He is such a great friend! :)
I seriously was about to die when I saw Luke Bryan!! Especially when he sang "Back When" with Tim Mcgraw...This man can sure dance!! ;) OHHHH MAN!!

Here are a couple pictures from the concert...I really need to invest in a camera...

Bad picture of Tim McGraw....Like I said I REALLY need a camera

I almost forgot to mention this, but when I got back from the bonfire on Friday I found the entire apartment completely clean! I have the best roommate ever! Thanks Mallory!

Well the reason for her cleaning the entire apartment is because she got all these cute decorations for our apartment, so Sunday evening we spent our time decorating!

We're not done but this is what we've got so far!

Those wine glasses were decorated by Mallory! She's so crafty!
You can't really see it here, but they're cut up paper, and it has rocks and marbles!

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