Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 Random Fact

I haven't blogged in a while, Mallory said as a blogger I need to have a post about random facts about me... so here we go

  1. I Love stale graham crackers with peanut butter, M&M's & raisins....together...
  2. I Love loud people [Shout out to my Black friends ;) ] my mom is the loud one in our family and I'm seeing more and more of her personality come out of me.
  3. I hate "constructive" criticism, I think it's cause I hate to be wrong (even though I'm wrong most of the time)
  4. I like to think I'm a tough girl... but I'm not. Movies like Click, yes Click with Adam Sandler, make me cry so hard! One time I was watching it on the plane...SHOOT it was so hard trying to hold back the tears so my mom's best friend's 14 year old son wouldn't make fun of me... ( I ended up crying anyway AND got made fun of)
  5. I'm a goal maker...which means I make TONS of goals, and I probably follow through with about 2 of them... I really need to work on that!
  6. My favorite colors are yellow and white!
  7. I love being OUT! I probably get that from my mom too, but I hate being inside. Every now and then I enjoy a good movie night at a friends house, but I just love being out and about! Makes me feel productive I guess.
  8. I'll admit I'm either a Facebook addict or a Facebook whore... But my mom is too... I must have inherited that from her too.... ;)
  9. Mallory and I use to stick my sister in the closet and make her pretend that was her personal office because she was the "BOSS."
  10. I have a bad habit of going shopping and buying all these new cute clothes and NEVER wearing them...I tend to just wear my stupid v-neck t-shirts that all look the same.

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